Why join Royal Arch?

To become a Royal Arch Mason
The Royal Arch marks the completion of third degree of Craft Masonry. Yet, worldwide, only about half the Master Masons, see their third degree completed. Many reasons have been attributed for this observation, and since most of them are conjectural in nature, they will not be enumerated here. However, one seems to stand out above all others: When Master Masons were directly questioned why they had not been exalted into the Royal Arch, several replied that they were neither informed nor encouraged to take that step. 

There are two possible reasons for this. 

First, the Lodge Masters were waiting for the prospective candidate to want to join of his “own free will and accord”. Herein lies the big difference between joining the Craft and joining the Royal Arch. Unlike as in the Craft, where solicitation of members is forbidden, the Supreme Grand Chapter expects, indeed exhorts, Royal Arch Masons to be proactive in encouraging Master Masons to complete their third degree by joining the Royal Arch. For it is only in the Royal Arch that the true goal of Masonry and Masonic education is reached. 

Secondly, though one can now join the Royal Arch four weeks after the third Craft degree, many Master Masons prefer to spend more time to (very rightly) enjoy Craft Masonry. However, too much time spent in remaining in the third degree induces either lethargy or forgetfulness, and the original sincere plan to join the Royal Arch “a little later” remains unrealised.

You are therefore urged to enquire with fellow Lodge members about the Royal Arch and get yourself exalted into the Order by joining a Chapter associated with your Lodge. The Chapter is the equivalent in the Royal Arch of the Lodge in the Craft. 

You are also encouraged to research the Royal Arch on the Internet. You will find the role the Royal Arch has played in shaping the history of English Masonry particularly interesting. A good source of this information is the talk by Yasha Beresiner on the following YouTube link: 

Unlike the three degrees of the Craft, the Exaltation is the only ceremony you will go through. The only proof of proficiency required is your being able to demonstrate the signs of the three Craft degrees, and the FPOF which you learnt in your Master Mason’s degree. The Exaltation ceremony itself is very inspiring, and, if conducted well, leaves an indelible impression on the mind.

If you have been a Master Mason for a year, and have not yet joined the Royal Arch, it is high time you did, and become a full-fledged and complete Freemason. 

We wish you well, and a very fulfilling Masonic career.