District Board of Benevolence

The District Board of Benevolence is the District’s governing body for charities. It oversees all aspects of governance on charities and approves appeals, plans & executes charitable projects, supports Lodges within the District to support their charities etc. 

The Board comprises of 15 members, who are all subscribing Masons. Of these

  • seven are ex-officio, holding senior offices in the District;
  • four are elected by Masters (Ruling as well as Past) and Wardens (in office) throughout the District, having been proposed for election by their respective Lodges; and
  • four are appointed by the District Grand Master based on their past record as well as future potential.
RWBro. Percy JF Driver, DistGM
WBro. Anil Nair, PGStdB, President – District Board of Benevolence
Ex-Officio Members
VWBro. Devesh Hingorani, PGSwdB, DDistGM
WBro. Sunil Pandit, PAGDC, ADistGM
WBro. R Vishwamohan, PAGDC, PADistGM, DistGTreas
WBro. Jamsheed Master, DistGSec., Secretary to the Board
WBro. Tehemton Dalal, DistGReg.
Members – Elected
WBro. Rajesh Pant, PDistSGW
WBro. Shreevardhan Sinha, DistGDC
WBro. Col. Mark Cyrus Aaron Ashley Pillay, VSM (Retd.), DistGStdB
WBro. Tehmton Toorkey, DistSGW
Members – Nominated
WBro. K  Balasubramanian, DistJGW
WBro. Col Kaizad Bhaya (Veteran), DistDyGDC
WBro. Jeff George, DistCO
WBro. Sushil Chander