The grand principles on which the order of freemasonry is founded are Brotherly love, Relief and Truth. The principle of Relief is realised by imbibing in each Mason the noble virtue of charity at his initiation itself. So firmly associated is charity with Masonry, that the general impression one has about freemasonry is that it is a charitable institution.
Over the years, the District Grand Lodge of Bombay has established several charities in its name, notably the District Board of Benevolence, and the Bombay District EC Grand Charity, with a sister body, the Bombay Masonic Association. Each of these targeted a particular aspect of assistance and a certain class of beneficiary. In January 2017, the District celebrated the Tercentenary (300 years) of Grand Lodge, by establishing a fourth charity the Bombay Masonic Benevolent Fund (BMBF). Inaugurated by the Deputy Grand Master RW Bro Jonathan Spence himself, it aims to merge the activities of the previous charities into one organisation. Its assistance reach extends to individuals as well as organisations (charitable and otherwise).
Through its monetary disbursements, BMBF addresses heavy medical expenses, relief of financial distress, furtherance of education among the economically backward, assistance during natural calamities, to name a few. It also supports dedicated activities undertaken by institutions like hospitals and NGOs. During the Covid crisis, it provided and will continue to provide, substantial aid to frontline workers to keep them safe and active in the noble work they do.
BMBF, like its predecessors, gives ready support to individual lodges to help them realise their own charity projects.
At present the corpus of the fund is totally dependent on contributions pledged by individual Masons. The Fund has set a modest target of Rs. 50 lakh to be achieved by the year 2023. The response to the appeal is very positive, and it is hoped that this target would not only be reached but even surpassed.
BMBF is registered with the Charities Commissioner, and Indian resident donors receive income tax relief under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Also being considered is registration under FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) whereby donations from individuals and institutions outside India may be received.
Click Here to donate to The Bombay Masonic Benevolent Fund.
In Masonic language, all donations “will be thankfully received and faithfully applied.”