District Board of General Purposes

  • The District Board of General Purposes is the District’s governing body. It oversees all aspects of governance, as well as sets the timetable for the year’s events, and decides on the District’s social outreach programs. 

    The Board comprises 15 members, who are all subscribing Masons. Of these

    • seven are ex-officio, holding senior offices in the District;
    • four are elected by Masters (Ruling as well as Past) and Wardens (in office) throughout the District, having been proposed for election by their respective Lodges; and
    • four are appointed by the District Grand Master based on their past record as well as future potential.

Members of the Board

RWBro. Percy JF Driver, DistGM
WBro. Madhav Nair, President – District Board of General Purposes
Ex-Officio Members
VWBro. Devesh Hingorani, PGSwdB, DDistGM
WBro. Sunil S Pandit, PAGDC, ADistGM
WBro. R Visha Mohan, PAGDC, DistGTreas
WBro. Jamsheed Master, DistGSec., Secretary to the Board
WBro. Tehemton Dalal, DistGReg.
Members – Elected
WBro. K  Balasubramanian, DistJGW
WBro. Tehmton Toorkey, DistSGW
WBro. W.Cdr. Ajit Patwardhan (Retd.), PDistGDC
WBro. Shreevardhan Sinha, DistGDC
Members – Nominated
WBro. Jeff George, DistCO
WBro. Sushil Chander
WBro. Col Kaizad Bhaya (Veteran), DistDyGDC
WBro. Anil Nair, PGStdB, President – District Board of Benevolence