- September 14, 2022
- Lodge News, Meeting News
Visit to the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England on 14th September 2022
8 Brethren from the District Grand Lodge of Bombay, led by the District Grand Master RWBro. Percy Driver visited the Grand Lodge in London, UK to attend the most awaited Quarterly Communication of UGLE where the new MW Pro Grand Master, RW Deputy Grand Master and RW Assistant Grand Master were to be installed to their respective offices.
This was a historical moment in UGLE as never before has such a unique event taken place when 3 Rulers would be installed in the same meeting.
Joining the RW District Grand Master were:
VW Bro. Devesh Hingorani, PGSwdB, Deputy District Grand Master
WBro. R Vishwa Mohan, PAGDC, Assistant District Grand Master
VWBro. P Venkataraman, PGSwdB, Past Deputy District Grand Master
WBro. Rummy Khan, PGStdB, District Grand Secretary
WBro. Jamsheed Master, District Grand Treasurer
WBro. Manji Patel, District Grand Charity Steward
WBro. Madhav Nair, District Grand Membership & Communication Officer
VW Bro. Devesh Hingorani & VWBro. P Venkataraman were joined with their respective spouses who also thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Grand Lodge, the Freemasons museum and other notable sightseeing landmarks in London.
With over 2,000 Brethren in attendance, the Grand Lodge was the most sought-after place to be on 14th September 2022 for English Freemasons around the globe. Representatives from over 70 other Grand Lodges were also present.
After the meeting, the Brethren attended luncheon at the adjoining Grand Connaught Rooms where the Brethren from our District enjoyed the champagne, wine and the 3 course meal amidst the company of the Brethren from the Province of Herefordshire.